
10 things about me

1. I love writing so much – poetry, prose. And occasionally art. Music sometimes. I have great respect for fiction because it’s so closely bound with reality. In fact it could almost be called reality. I welcome those with similar minds.

2. I’m not selling anything!

3. I’m very happily married.

4. I don’t always respond to comments, sometimes it’s nice to leave the page blank, and not every comment
requires a response. I’m grateful though to all those who take the time. It means a lot to me.

5. Animals keep appearing in my poems.

6. I suffer from depression sometimes, but laugh too, ironically.

7. My writing is eclectic – so they tell me – abstract, childish, novel, vivid,and highly intelligent (I made that last bit up).

8. I still love the rain, no matter what others say about it.

9. Ezekiel Fish is a pen name, one I created in a silly play a while back. I liked it so kept it.

10. My favourite POETS: Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, Selima Hill, Thom Gunn, T. S. Eliot, Craig Raine, W. H. Auden.

WRITERS: J. G. Ballard, Yann Martel, Charles Dickens, Kurt Vonnegut, Jack Kerouac, Virginia Woolf, Lionel Shriver, Audrey Niffenegger, Hunter. S. Thompson, Khaled hosseini.

PLAYWRIGHTS: Harold Pinter, Jez Butterworth, Alan Bennett, Alan Parker, Shelagh Delaney, Ducan MacMillan, Martin McDonagh.

10 thoughts on “About”

  1. Well summer is over so… Thank you for following my blog, here to warn you it’s a bilingual one, so if you get a post in Italian please use your patience an English one will soon follow 😉 doing my best to keep things balanced.

  2. I’m so glad you found my blog because now I’ve discovered yours. I love your writing and look forward to reading more and more of it. And hope you have worked out what all the buttons are for.

    • Thank you friend for that fine compliment. I think I’ve
      figured most of it out now – just. If not I’ll hitch a
      ride on the back of a giant shoe, probably Amanda Harris,
      and she’ll show me the way around. =)

  3. Enjoying your work Ezekiel. Thank you.

  4. This blog theme looks really good. Liking it.

  5. Thanks for following Babar’s Musings. My friend, the musing gnarl, is highly obliged 🙂

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